Animal Message of the Day: Mabel

Animal Message of the Day From Mabel: “The thing that brings me happiness is feeling safe and being part of a wonderful family. My family consists of other donkeys and horses and chickens and ducks and cats and even little wild animals that come by our barn and yard. All of them are unique and […]

Animal Message of the Day: O’Malley

Animal Message of the Day From O’Malley: “Life is never all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you have to understand the beauty in the rain. I like finding the uniqueness to each day. I love my friends and showing them affection. If you are my friend, you know it. I am never shy in letting people […]

Animal Message of the Day: Marco

Animal Message of the Day From Marco: “Hi there! Marco Guinea Pig here. It’s a pleasure to chat with you today. Although this is a mostly one-way conversation now isn’t it? I hope you are listening and enjoying the messages we are sharing with you. I love it here. I love hearing all of the […]

Memorial to Belle

Today, Christmas Eve, we said good-bye to a most beautiful soul who graced this farm for nearly 30 years. Belle was a Morgan Horse mare who came here in 1993 at just three years old. She was a determined youngster who made it clear to many who tried working with her that she was not […]

Animal Message of the Day: Izzy

Animal Message of the Day From Izzy: “Oh, let me tell you, there is so much in life to be happy about! I’m on my second lifetime in just this one body. No, I’m not talking about a past life thing. This is a present life thing. You see I started out in life born […]

Animal Message of the Day: Eloise

Animal Message of the Day From Eloise: “Do you know all the things that I know? I bet some of you think I’m just a pig and what could I know. Ah, but you would be silly to think that. I know the different smells in the air on any given day. I know when […]

Animal Message of the Day: Felix

Animal Message of the Day From Felix: “I volunteer every year for this mission of messages. Are you listening out there? We think we have lots of people following us even though we never see or hear them. But we feel you out there. This is a special time. Why? Because you allow yourself to […]

Animal Message of the Day: Olivia

Animal Message of the Day From Olivia: “I always love to be asked to share in these communications. I sit here on my favorite chair as Dawn asks me if I want to share. And I settle in and take a deep breath. I’d love to share. I have so very much to be grateful […]

Animal Message of the Day: Romeo

Animal Message of the Day From Romeo: “Listen to me my human friends. It is far greater to try things in life and fail than to never try anything at all and die empty. I may be just a rabbit to you. If you are thinking that, then you don’t understand rabbits. Actually, you may […]

Animal Message of the Day: Shawnee

Animal Message of the Day From Shawnee: “I’d like to talk about friendship. When I came here to the farm as a baby, I was surrounded by older horses that took me in and raised me as their own. My own mother had died when I was born. I never even knew her. But my […]

Animal Message of the Day: Dandy

Animal Message of the Day From Dandy: “Play, eat, sleep. Run, leap, spin around. Find things, hide them on the humans, and make games out of everything. Snuggle for just a second, then move on as if there is something urgent to do. These are the things I busied myself doing. But sometimes I don’t […]

Featured Animal of the Week: Libby

Meet Libby! Libby is a mini-donkey who is about 7 years old. She came to the farm in 2018 with six other mini-donkeys from an animal cruelty case. They all came here in very bad shape. But that was then and this is now and Libby is a healthy and very happy little donkey. When […]

Animal Message of the Day: Luna

Animal Message of the Day From Luna: “I love participating in this every year. But why do you only look for inspiration from us once a year? Seriously, you should come check in with us more often. Now, being a goat offers me a very unique perspective in life. I love being a goat. Goats […]

Animal Message of the Day: Molly

Animal Message of the Day From Molly: “Every year I have been at this farm, which is a long time now, I have been asked this question. I love to share what it’s like for me to have no eyes and still be able to see more than most of you with two. I don’t […]

Animal Message of the Day: Gizmo

Animal Message of the Day From Gizmo: “I know a thing or two about feeling hopeless and despondent. I dedicate my message to those of you who may feel lost or feel the loss of someone else around you. I understand a heavy heart as mine has been heavy before too. I felt like life […]

Animal Message of the Day: Merlin

Animal Message of the Day From Merlin: “I may not see as well as I once did. I can’t fly like I once enjoyed. My body is a bit more rickety now. But my joy is still flowing. I love all of my friends of so many species. I have cats and birds and rabbits […]

The Story of Waylon and Mia

Your support helps so many animals who have nowhere else to go and are in need of help. We’d like you to meet Waylon and Mia, two horses who came to us in June. Here is a video showing you the importance of what you do and how you change lives.

Animal Message of the Day: Mary Beth

Animal Message of the Day From Mary Beth: Mary Beth: “I have a very unique view of life. Seriously, I’m not talking about something philosophical here. This is anatomy and science. I was born with my head crooked and I cannot lift my head up very far. So I have always seen and experienced life […]

Animal Message of the Day: Max

Animal Message of the Day From Max: “Oh there is so much to be happy about. One could look at me, and maybe some people do, and think that I have a lot of problems in life. But, you have to realize that I had problems in life for sure. But what I also found […]

Stories From The Magic Years Available Now

Our Latest Book – Stories From The Magic Years is Now Available Stories from THE MAGIC YEARS A Thirty-Year Interspecies Conversation celebrating the Thirtieth Anniversary of Spring Farm CARES – 1991-2021 This an amazing book! We, ourselves, did not realize just how amazing it would be until we began to re-read thirty years of letters and […]

Animal Message of the Day: Mary

Animal Message of the Day From Mary: “I like when there is a sense of quiet around me. Sometimes life moves too darn fast. What the heck is the hurry? You all speed around like you have to be somewhere that you can’t get to fast enough. But you rarely stop to enjoy where you […]

Featured Animal of the Week: Coal

Featured Animal of the Week Meet Coal Coal is estimated to have been born in 2016 and came to the farm in fall of 2017. When Coal came to us he was in really bad shape. But now he is doing very well. Coal’s story is worth telling because he is a perfect example of […]

Animal Message of the Day: Charlie

Animal Message of the Day From Charlie: “Life has a funny way of teaching you things, sometimes in ways you don’t want to hear, but in a way that is necessary to hear it. It was like that for me. I thought myself to be a majestic little prince. I have it all – the […]