From Leo: “I am most grateful right now for spring. I love that the grass is starting to grow and there is nothing like the taste of that first spring grass. The birds are back and are singing and the bugs are even back, although I’m not so grateful about them. Soon, there will be butterflies and I love watching them on summer days. I appreciate all of the seasons. But spring is probably my favorite as we get to spend more time outside and get to roll in the dirt and nap in the sun. Life is good. When you get stressed or feeling stuck, just go outside and notice all the life that is coming back alive. It will make you feel better.”
In an effort to help us all through the stress, fear, and challenges faced by the COVID-19 virus, we are posting an animal message a day. (All messages through animal communicator/co-founder Dawn Hayman) The animals were each asked: What do you feel appreciation for in your life? Or “What would you like to share?”