

My Sponsors

  • Janey Bosch - January 2012 - December 2025
  • Deborah Vitale - January 2024 - December 2024

Leo is a gelded Donkey born in 2003. He arrived at SFC in November 2003, only a couple of months old, with another donkey baby, Felix. They were both rescued from a dreadful animal abuse case where they were both found starving and near death. They spent their first winter in Dawn and Margot’s heated garage to increase their chances of survival. After much nursing care, they made it and then later moved into the barn with horses Jeremy, Dulcie, and Shawnee. Leo may be the smallest in stature in the barn but he is the largest in attitude. Stubborn doesn’t nearly describe Leo when he doesn’t want to do something. He is a very sweet and loving guy and holds his own out in the pasture with the big horses. In fact, his favorite play buddy other than Felix of course, is his uncle Jeremy.

Leo’s tenacity is exactly what enabled him to survive the extreme deprivation at such a young age. Barely alive when he arrived at the farm, his eyes were completely vacant. It was like looking at an empty shell. To see this magnificent being get stronger, come into his own power, and to learn that life is indeed something good has been a wondrous thing to witness. It was a long journey for him. He endured more in his first two months than many beings ever have to deal with in a lifetime. He makes us laugh with his antics as he plays with Felix and they share everything together. They both love to play together with a jolly ball (a large ball with a handle for horses and dogs) as they carry it together all over the pasture. We often see the two of them making up games of chase or catch with the ball. He also can be quite an imp. One of his favorite tricks is to move the manure bucket while we are mucking his stall. He often will pick it up and walk off with it just as we are about to deposit a fork-full. He thinks that is quite funny. But to see his sense of humor and play is a blessing after all he has been through.

“Life is totally about having fun. I watch butterflies have fun. I watch birds have fun. If things get too serious, then it is up to me to be sure to create some fun.”

To Sponsor Leo: Sponsorships are $100 for one year. Click the Sponsor Me button above and be sure to write in “Leo Sponsor” in the Comments section on the form. You can go to our Sponsor Page for more information.