My Sponsors
- Alex R. - May 2024 - April 2025
Nala was born in 2012. She came to the farm in 2013 after she had been found standing on the side of a road looking very scared. Nala beats to her own drum. She can be and is very sweet. But she has her own ideas and rules about things that make her harder to adopt. She would need to be with a real cat savvy person and definitely is not for a first time cat adopter. Nala does not like to be picked up or restrained and can get pretty feisty when put in either of those situations. If you stick to her rules, she is truly a wonderful loving cat. She has carved out her own niche here at the farm, earning special wandering privileges from her caretakers in a portion of our small animal facility. Nala kind of runs the show but we appreciate having her here.